Latest News

  1. Trampoline Assembly: How to Assemble a Jumpflex® Trampoline

    Trampoline Assembly: How to Assemble a Jumpflex® Trampoline

    July 29, 2021Here we answer our FAQs about Jumpflex® trampoline assembly!
  2. Getting your Jumpflex trampoline ready for Winter!

    Getting your Jumpflex trampoline ready for Winter!

    June 23, 2021Here are our top tips to winterise your Jumpflex trampoline.
  3. Trampoline Tricks: How to do tricks and flips on your trampoline

    Trampoline Tricks: How to do tricks and flips on your trampoline

    June 21, 2021Here's a handy how to guide to learn how to do some cool trampoline tricks
  4. Play for Life: Why Active Play Is Important For Kids

    Play for Life: Why Active Play Is Important For Kids

    June 15, 2021Active, unstructured play is important for mental wellbeing and physical development of a child. 
  5. Trampoline Exercise: Jump Your Way To Fit

    Trampoline Exercise: Jump Your Way To Fit

    June 15, 2021Looking for a new way to keep fit which is fun and effective?
  6. Trampoline Weight Limit: How much weight can a trampoline hold?

    Trampoline Weight Limit: How much weight can a trampoline hold?

    June 14, 2021Everything you need to know about Jumpflex trampoline’s weight rating.
  7. Jumpflex - the first coil sprung trampoline to get Consumer NZ tick!

    Jumpflex - the first coil sprung trampoline to get Consumer NZ tick!

    June 3, 2021At Jumpflex we’ve always stood for safety, quality and durability, and now we’re stoked to announce that our FLEX100 City 10ft trampoline has been tested and approved by .
  8. Trampoline Safety - Are Trampolines Safe?

    Trampoline Safety - Are Trampolines Safe?

    June 2, 2021We believe in creating trampolines from the ground up for safety, durability and fun. 
  9. Animals on Trampolines: Dogs of Jumpflex

    Animals on Trampolines: Dogs of Jumpflex

    May 19, 2021Turns out our furry friends may enjoy having a bounce on a Jumpflex trampoline too!
  10. Jumpflex Anchor Kit: How to Anchor Down Your Trampoline

    Jumpflex Anchor Kit: How to Anchor Down Your Trampoline

    May 18, 2021Stop your precious trampoline from flying away with our trampoline anchor kit.
  11. Summer fun these school holidays!

    Summer fun these school holidays!

    April 5, 2021
  12. 5 Fun Activities and Games To Play This Easter!

    5 Fun Activities and Games To Play This Easter!

    March 31, 2021Here are some great ways to have fun with your kids this Easter.
  13. Supporting Mockingbird - a charity that helps neurodiverse children

    Supporting Mockingbird - a charity that helps neurodiverse children

    February 28, 2021Mockingbird provides a safe and supportive environment for neurodiverse children.
  14. 5 Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day At Work!

    5 Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day At Work!

    February 16, 2021Jumpflex celebrating Valentine's Day here at the office in Hamilton, New Zealand.
  15. Jumpflex and Kids in Need Waikato - Spreading Joy at Christmas Time!

    Jumpflex and Kids in Need Waikato - Spreading Joy at Christmas Time!

    February 14, 2021Jumpflex and Kids in Need Waikato out in the community last Christmas.
  16. Helping Autistic Children Play For Life

    Helping Autistic Children Play For Life

    December 3, 2020Jumpflex getting out in the community and working with the Kindness Collective Foundation.
  17. 5 Health Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

    5 Health Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

    September 9, 2020People often underestimate how much exercise you get when jumping!
  18. Trampoline Games and Activities For Kids of All Ages

    Trampoline Games and Activities For Kids of All Ages

    April 15, 2020Ideas for fun trampoline games and activities.


    April 12, 2018The MILO State of Play study found that, while more than 90% of parents and grandparents believe play to be essential for children’s development, it is rapidly falling off the list of priorities. As a result, more than 45% of kids in Australia and New Zealand between ages 8 and...
  20. Kick off those shoes: Benefits of going barefoot

    Kick off those shoes: Benefits of going barefoot

    April 5, 2018Our ancient ancestors were familiar with nature, the environment, the elements and walking barefoot.
  21. 5 Sugar Free Alternatives this Easter

    5 Sugar Free Alternatives this Easter

    March 31, 2018Here a 5 fun ways to cut down on the sugar this easter and avoid some of the highs and lows that come with chocolate consumption this Easter
  22. Trampoline Care: How To Clean Your Trampoline

    Trampoline Care: How To Clean Your Trampoline

    September 20, 2017Top tips for keeping your Jumpflex Trampoline clean
  23. Play for life: Eat a Rainbow!

    Play for life: Eat a Rainbow!

    September 12, 2017Eating vegies and fruit every day makes for a healthy childhood, as well as setting in place lifelong healthy eating habits. But try telling that to a little one who won’t eat their vegies! So how can you encourage kids to eat enough vegies and fruit each day?
  24. Play for Life: Imaginative Play

    Play for Life: Imaginative Play

    September 11, 2017Young children learn by imagining and doing. Have you ever watched your child pick up a stone and pretend it is a zooming car, or hop a Lego across the table as if it were a person or a bunny? Your child is using an object to represent something else...